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ChatGPT Security? Tell Me About Your Motherboard

ChatGPT Security? Tell Me About Your Motherboard

ChatGPT security concerns reveal that business owners are hesitant to let AI replace humans.

In November 2022, OpenAI introduced ChatGPT, an artificially intelligent, natural language chatbot. ChatGPT interacts with its users in uncannily humanistic and intelligent ways.

ChatGPT Security EstesCloud

ChatGPT (Conversational Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a new type of artificial intelligence technology that is being developed to improve the way people interact with machines. While it is intended to provide faster and more intuitive responses to queries, it also carries potential security risks, especially for business owners. 

The main concern is that, due to its complex nature, it could result in the loss of private data at great cost to companies and their employees. Furthermore, the technology could lead to a lack of control over data and give hackers the power to manipulate user behavior. This could be particularly damaging to those who rely on personal data to make decisions, such as financial services.

Additionally, ChatGPT could potentially cause unintended consequences, such as decreased privacy, as well as a lack of transparency. Therefore, it is essential to understand the implications of this technology before it is put into use.

The capabilities of ChatGPT and other Artificially Intelligent (AI) platforms are truly astounding. Users can ask ChatGPT questions and expect meaningful, accurate answers. However, these advancements in AI and chatbot technology come with their own set of compliance, privacy, and cybersecurity concerns. 

For instance, as these AI platforms become more sophisticated, they may begin to store more personal data and analyze user behavior. This could lead to potential privacy violations and other security risks:

  • AI-powered chatbots are particularly vulnerable to malicious attacks, as hackers may attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in AI platforms in order to gain access to sensitive information, manipulate data, or disrupt operations.
  • Additionally, AI-powered chatbots may be vulnerable to social engineering attacks, wherein hackers may use techniques such as phishing, impersonation, and disinformation to gain access to systems or manipulate people.
  • Furthermore, AI-powered chatbots may be vulnerable to data poisoning attacks, wherein hackers may input malicious data into AI systems in order to corrupt their output.
  • Finally, AI-powered chatbots may be vulnerable to adversarial attacks, wherein hackers may use sophisticated methods to fool the AI system into producing incorrect results.

These attacks can be used to gain access to valuable data, disrupt operations, or even cause physical harm. As such, it is important for businesses to take the necessary steps to protect their AI platforms from potential cyber threats. 

The question and answer exchange feature of a chat-based AI tool allows users to exchange information and collect personal data, making it easier to target specific audiences with tailored content.

AI security issues surface greater challenges in company data management.

Sophisticated chatbots provide an efficient way to generate content quickly, allowing users to quickly respond to customer requests or create high-quality content. As AI systems collect data, threat actors can scavenge for personal data, such as payment information or an email address. Something immediately helpful in customer relationship management soon becomes a data management nightmare.

Aside from the entertainment and educational capabilities of this new AI technology, ChatGPT and its other rival AI platforms have the potential to revolutionize the internet and working atmospheres.

In the technology realm, IT workers can use ChatGPT to enhance their development by asking the tool to quickly write or revise code. Considering the capabilities of AI platforms, it’s no wonder why companies are investing in and implementing AI technology.

However, like many other technological advances in history, AI platforms have potential privacy and cybersecurity risks. Recently, Italy, Spain, and other European countries have raised concerns about the potential privacy violations that could arise from using ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence (AI) platform. As a result, these countries have sought to introduce new regulations to ensure that ChatGPT respects the privacy of its users.

In particular, these regulations would require the platform to limit the collection, use, and disclosure of users’ personal data, as well as to ensure that users are able to access, modify, or delete the personal data they have provided to the platform. The regulations would require ChatGPT to take appropriate steps to ensure that any personal data collected is adequately protected from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. This includes implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures such as encryption, pseudonymization, and secure storage systems. 

ChatGPT would also be required to provide users with clear and detailed information about how their personal data is being used, such as the purposes for which it is being collected and processed, the categories of data being collected, how long it will be stored, and who it will be shared with. Furthermore, ChatGPT would need to ensure that users are aware of their rights in relation to their personal data, including their right to access and to request rectification or deletion of their data.

Many countries have banned ChatGPT. Under the Biden administration, the United States will roll out a comprehensive national security strategy to address the growing threat of hacking and malicious use of artificial intelligence (AI) platforms. This strategy will involve the coordination of multiple federal departments and agencies, including the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. It will also require close coordination with international partners and allies, as well as the private sector and civil society organizations to ensure that the strategy is effective and comprehensive in scope.

The strategy will include a focus on protecting critical infrastructure, strengthening deterrence and detection capabilities, improving information sharing and collaboration, and developing new technologies to protect against malicious cyber threats and malicious AI use. The strategy will also involve enhancing international cooperation and engagement to counter malicious cyber activities, as well as increasing public and private investments in cyber security research and development.

The Biden administration will also be seeking to build public-private partnerships to improve the security of both public and private sector networks and systems. AI platforms are increasingly becoming popular due to their innovative and highly capable nature. However, these platforms are not without their risks and need to be assessed by multiple parties.

Cybercriminals are constantly looking for ways to take advantage of these platforms, targeting them in order to steal confidential information, generate malicious software, or gain access to data systems. These types of cyber attacks can have serious implications for the security of the platform and its users, resulting in the loss of valuable data, financial information, and sensitive personal information. Therefore, it is essential that organizations take the necessary steps to protect their AI platforms against these types of malicious attacks. This includes implementing robust security measures and regularly monitoring the platform for any suspicious activities. Additionally, it is important to stay up to date with the latest cybersecurity trends and technologies in order to ensure that the AI platform remains secure and protected.

Although OpenAI has programmed ChatGPT with the appropriate rules to prevent abuse, hackers have already figured out how to “jailbreak” the platform. In as little as a minute, hackers can generate malicious code for criminal intent. Prior to utilizing ChatGPT, their efforts may have taken days or even weeks.

AI-generated malware and cybersecurity attacks have already occurred. For example, hackers recently used ChatGPT to generate apps that successfully hijacked Facebook users’ accounts.

Preventing cybersecurity attacks and data breaches are of utmost importance for companies that desire to protect their sensitive data and minimize their costs, and now that hackers are using AI platforms to further their criminal activities, it is imperative, now more than ever, for companies to seek the best security solutions.

EstesGroup offers EstesCloud services to protect companies’ private data and systems from cybercriminals who may use new AI platforms for malicious intent. EstesCloud protects companies in a changing society in which AI technology is accelerating and enhancing hackers’ criminal activities. ChatGPT security is included in the private cloud and hybrid cloud infrastructures that we create for our clients.

ChatGPT security isn’t an issue when your powerful, highly capable AI and ERP tools are protected in a reputable data center. EstesGroup is ready to protect companies from hackers who use ChatGPT and other AI platforms to attempt to breach their data systems. The new AI technology will inevitably advance in the future, and as companies embrace and implement AI platforms, security solutions, like EstesCloud, will be necessary to safeguard private data and protect data systems.

EstesGroup realizes that innovation requires responsibility and security solutions, and the Estes’ team of highly skilled and dedicated professionals are ready to assist companies that seek the best cloud protection. Only time will tell how AI platforms will transform company atmospheres, but companies can rest assured that EstesGroup is ready for an artificially intelligent future.

P21 Public Web Client Access – Who’s Your Proxy?

P21 Public Web Client Access – Who’s Your Proxy?

ERP systems have traditionally had a functionality-accessibility problem: ERP systems were highly functional, but not especially accessible – they normally required desktop fat-client applications for access, and these were often hamstrung by local access requirements, making applications far from mobile.

As internet architectures became more and more robust, the possibility of web browser-based ERP became a reality, with new ERP vendors designing and building their software around the browser, and legacy vendors systems hastening to retrofit their existing ERP systems to accommodate the browser-based future.

21 Public Web Client Access

But this introduced a new problem – one of accessibility vs security: the high levels of availability increased the possibility that threat actors could access a company’s ERP system remotely, and cause havoc to company data.

Most load balancers make it relatively easy to have an app safely deployed publicly. Normally, you run a reverse proxy server that passes traffic to your web app. This obfuscates the info for the destination of the web app and basically acts as a secure gateway to the internal resource. At EstesGroup, P21 Web UI is protected by MFA via a reverse proxy to the identity provider as well. However, administration of the Prophet 21 application introduces additional challenges. The P21 web login page contains a gear icon.

Epicor Prophet 21 Create Connection

If a P21 user clicks the gear, they can access the Middleware server URL value, along with its port.

Prophet 21 Profile Name Server Name

This introduces several complications:

  • It basically shows users a free shortcut around MFA. A clever user can copy and paste the Middleware URL and port into their browser and access the P21 application directly, avoiding the MFA.
  • The Middleware server URL and port are resolved on the P21 client side of the P21 application when logging in. This means, even though the Load Balancer can reverse proxy to the internal resource, it’s not going to be able to resolve the specific Middleware server URL on the P21 client side to complete the P21 login.

To get around these challenges, you might initially think to expose the Prophet 21 Middleware server to the internet and add a public DNS entry for it. But to directly expose P21 Middleware servers to the internet in that manner is a monumental risk. Another option is required.

To address the above issue, we do the following:

  • We create a middleware reverse proxy to direct traffic to the middleware servers.
  • We direct the P21 Web configurations to use the middleware proxy for its respective Middleware Server.
  • We then expose the reverse proxies to the internet, creating DNS records for each of them.

By exposing the Middleware server proxies to the internet through a public DNS instead of the middleware servers themselves, you add a line of defense to the servers, only passing that needed traffic and keeping P21 Middleware Servers from being directly internet-exposed.

Another advantage of reverse proxying is the ability to intercept direct-access attempts. Theoretically, one might try to plug in the Middleware proxy URLs publicly and get access to the P21 API or the P21 Web UI. The reverse proxy allows for the functionality to block certain endpoints, such as the API or web client. When a user sees the Middleware URL in the P21 login settings, if they try to get around MFA and plug that URL in, they get a lovely 403 page, keeping them out of the Middleware. Alternatively, you can also redirect them back to the Web UI home page.

While there are other solutions for increasing accessibility, such as accessing through a VPN, these can at times be unreliable. If you are a decentralized company, with remote employees all over the country, speeds over VPN can be less than ideal on many occasions. Obviously, there are certain risks to opening any resource to the internet. It’s important to consider the attack surface, and the associated risks. At EstesGroup, we isolate any resources open to the internet, and implement Antivirus, Firewalls, and Threat Protection for all endpoints. Along with that, oftentimes, Geofencing helps cut out a lot of noise on any resource open to the internet, to prevent overseas attackers using botnets.

Reverse Proxy Web Server
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Marshall Douglas EstesGroup

Marshall Douglas, EstesGroup Systems Engineer

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