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P21 Public Web Client Access – Who’s Your Proxy?

P21 Public Web Client Access – Who’s Your Proxy?

ERP systems have traditionally had a functionality-accessibility problem: ERP systems were highly functional, but not especially accessible – they normally required desktop fat-client applications for access, and these were often hamstrung by local access requirements, making applications far from mobile. 

As internet architectures became more and more robust, the possibility of web browser-based ERP became a reality, with new ERP vendors designing and building their software around the browser, and legacy vendors systems hastening to retrofit their existing ERP systems to accommodate the browser-based future. 

21 Public Web Client Access

But this introduced a new problem – one of accessibility vs security: the high levels of availability increased the possibility that threat actors could access a company’s ERP system remotely, and cause havoc to company data. 

Most load balancers make it relatively easy to have an app safely deployed publicly. Normally, you run a reverse proxy server that passes traffic to your web app. This obfuscates the info for the destination of the web app and basically acts as a secure gateway to the internal resource. At EstesGroup, P21 Web UI is protected by MFA via a reverse proxy to the identity provider as well. However, administration of the Prophet 21 application introduces additional challenges. The P21 web login page contains a gear icon.

Epicor Prophet 21 Create Connection

If a P21 user clicks the gear, they can access the Middleware server URL value, along with its port.

Prophet 21 Profile Name Server Name

This introduces several complications:

  • It basically shows users a free shortcut around MFA. A clever user can copy and paste the Middleware URL and port into their browser and access the P21 application directly, avoiding the MFA.
  • The Middleware server URL and port are resolved on the P21 client side of the P21 application when logging in. This means, even though the Load Balancer can reverse proxy to the internal resource, it’s not going to be able to resolve the specific Middleware server URL on the P21 client side to complete the P21 login.

To get around these challenges, you might initially think to expose the Prophet 21 Middleware server to the internet and add a public DNS entry for it. But to directly expose P21 Middleware servers to the internet in that manner is a monumental risk. Another option is required.

To address the above issue, we do the following:

  • We create a middleware reverse proxy to direct traffic to the middleware servers.
  • We direct the P21 Web configurations to use the middleware proxy for its respective Middleware Server.
  • We then expose the reverse proxies to the internet, creating DNS records for each of them.

By exposing the Middleware server proxies to the internet through a public DNS instead of the middleware servers themselves, you add a line of defense to the servers, only passing that needed traffic and keeping P21 Middleware Servers from being directly internet-exposed.

Another advantage of reverse proxying is the ability to intercept direct-access attempts. Theoretically, one might try to plug in the Middleware proxy URLs publicly and get access to the P21 API or the P21 Web UI. The reverse proxy allows for the functionality to block certain endpoints, such as the API or web client. When a user sees the Middleware URL in the P21 login settings, if they try to get around MFA and plug that URL in, they get a lovely 403 page, keeping them out of the Middleware. Alternatively, you can also redirect them back to the Web UI home page.

While there are other solutions for increasing accessibility, such as accessing through a VPN, these can at times be unreliable. If you are a decentralized company, with remote employees all over the country, speeds over VPN can be less than ideal on many occasions. Obviously, there are certain risks to opening any resource to the internet. It’s important to consider the attack surface, and the associated risks. At EstesGroup, we isolate any resources open to the internet, and implement Antivirus, Firewalls, and Threat Protection for all endpoints. Along with that, oftentimes, Geofencing helps cut out a lot of noise on any resource open to the internet, to prevent overseas attackers using botnets.

Reverse Proxy Web Server
Cloud Hosting Epicor Kinetic ERP Logo
Marshall Douglas EstesGroup

Marshall Douglas, EstesGroup Systems Engineer

Have questions about Epicor P21 public web client access? Schedule a free consultation or ERP cloud solutions demo with the author now. 

Epicor Prophet 21 Performance – Real-World Issues

Epicor Prophet 21 Performance – Real-World Issues

Recently, I met with an Epicor Prophet 21 customer on a discovery call to review the issues they were encountering in relation to some ongoing P21 web UI slowdowns. ERP system performance is a common challenge across the ERP community, and in the Prophet 21 community, the subject of P21 performance is similarly of great importance. Coming out of the call, I thought I’d collect a few of the talking points and add a few additional P21 system performance considerations that can impact the speed and responsiveness of your Prophet 21 web UI.

Epicor Prophet 21 Performance Distribution Industry

Epicor Prophet 21 system performance can be a maze to navigate.

We had originally characterized the issue as a problem with the P21 API loading, and we began looking more broadly. As you might know, the Prophet 21 sits on top of Microsoft’s Internet Information Services web server platform, known colloquially as “IIS”.  There are several things to consider if your P21 web server is slowing down throughout the day, and with an ERP system like P21, the issues actually affecting the performance of the Prophet 21 web interface may reside many layers below the P21 web server.


It might be helpful to initially review the composition and operation of websites. Websites are comprised of both static and dynamic pages. A static page is pre-defined on the web server and is ready to be served up. A dynamic page is generated at run time and may dynamically differ each time it is generated. In terms of HTML pages that comprise the P21 user interface, generally speaking, the P21 application pool can only respond to a certain number of requests at a time. If it is busy responding to requests for dynamic pages, then it may not have any threads left to serve the static pages. For this reason, a code problem on a dynamic page can create the illusion that the static pages are being served “slowly”. My point is, don’t rule out code or SQL. As an example, if you have 100 pages all hitting a database or API at the same time, and all 100 await a response, request 101 may be blocked until one of the first 100 requests completes.

Diagnosing the Degradation:

Beyond explicit issues like request load, there are plenty of things that you can do to help you diagnose performance problems with your Prophet 21 web application:

Load Profiles: What does your load profile look like normally? This makes a big difference – it may be that you always have an issue, but you can’t see the impact until your site receives load. You could try to test this (in staging) with something like JMeter.

Reviewing your logs: Does your application have logs? If not, you should consider adding some logging. If you already have logs, what do they say? Are there exceptions being thrown by your application? Is there something that is consistently failing?

IIS Logs: Enable IIS logs if you haven’t already. Reviewing your P21 IIS logs can help you see which requests are taking the longest. You can use something like Microsoft’s Log Parser to run SQL-like queries against your logs. You may even want to dump your logs into a SQL database if that makes your P21 logs easier to review. Once you know which pages are taking the longest, you can focus some of your attention on them.

Memory: How much memory is your application pool using? A memory leak is an obvious candidate but should be quite easy to see. Use Windows’ inbuilt Performance Monitor to track memory consumed by your application pool over the day and see if this increases as the day goes on.

SQL Performance: The performance of your P21 SQL database may be an underlying cause of poor Prophet 21 user interface performance. SQL server provides a series of query structures called Dynamic Management Views, or DMVs, that can provide details about server and database health and performance. These can be very helpful in diagnosing performance issues at this level. One common DMV, sys.dm_exec_requests, can help you understand query properties such as wait_type, wait_time, blocking_session_id and the total_elapsed_time.

P21 Application Pool Connections: Check how many connections your application pool has open – using something like Microsoft’s TCPView. Your application pool will try to re-use connections where possible, but you’ll probably see a lot of open connections to your application pool. One interesting thing you can see from this is how many connections you have open to your SQL database or any external APIs your application is using.

Use an Application Performance and Monitoring Tool: Performance monitoring tools, like AppDynamics, will be able to help pinpoint slow performing parts of your code. Unfortunately, there’s a little bit of a learning curve to be able to use these tools effectively, but they can be very powerful in helping to diagnose problems with your applications.

SQL Server AutoGrowth Property: Review the property in your SQL database pertaining to AutoGrowth. You may encounter issues if the following are occurring:

1. If the database is a super-busy database, transactionally speaking.

2. If AutoGrowth is enabled.

3. The AutoGrowth default is a smaller MB amount. This may cause random slowdowns on the database engine, which could impact the API application pool response time. 

One thing to test would be to set that AutoGrowth size in MB to a very large number. That way, the AutoGrowth will only happen periodically.

Look for Memory Leaks: Once I had a customer experiencing IIS performance degradation issues with a custom web application we had built that was using and Crystal runtime integration. Ultimately, the issues with IIS and the web app related to memory leaks that were not obvious at all until we started doing some deep-dive testing. You will want to consider the possibility of internal memory leaks when building a support case against the application having performance-related issues that may or may not have been resolved in minor version changes. I know IIS also plays a part in this and how it manages internal garbage disposal with application pools, so this may be an area that you need to explore as well.

As you can see, Epicor Prophet 21 system performance can be a maze to navigate. To find your way through the P21 performance maze, there are many potential paths to take, and depending on the ultimate source of the problem, many might be dead ends. But in understanding the directions one might take in navigating the many potential Prophet 21 performance issues, P21 users can hopefully find themselves at the maze’s end – and moving on to bigger and better things.

Prophet 21 Cloud Migration Steps for Managed Hosting of P21
5 Ways Cloud Deployment Changes SYSPRO ERP

5 Ways Cloud Deployment Changes SYSPRO ERP

SYSPRO ERP Cloud Deployment vs. On-Premise Infrastructure

Top manufacturers and distributors are choosing private or hybrid cloud deployment for enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. This is especially true for cloud-ready ERP systems, like Epicor Prophet 21 and SYSPRO ERP. On-premise deployment can be limiting in the fast-paced world of manufacturing and distribution. Competition is fierce, cybercrime is rampant, and compliance regulations demand visibility and competition. 

Cloud Deployment SYSPRO ERP

Fortunately, cloud deployment of ERP systems like SYSPRO offers you a competitive edge with increased visibility, improved growth potential, enhanced control, long-term scalability and affordability. Moreover, fully managed ERP hosting in a data center gives your business speed, reliability, and a written 100% uptime service level agreement (SLA).

SYSPRO cloud-ready ERP helps your business leverage data while protecting it, and a private or hybrid cloud deployment ensures scalability, security, and long-term success. For instance, you can increase control and scalability while gaining valuable insights into every part of your manufacturing or distribution business. You gain insight into everything from inventory management to customer relationship management.

Are you cloud-ready but not fully in a cloud of your own? Read on to learn more about why cloud computing is the top trend for companies running ERP software systems like SYSPRO. Business owners, leadership teams, and steering committees continue to look to managed cloud hosting partners like EstesGroup. Why? Most importantly, you can get the ERP consulting and cloud services you need with a 24x7x365 support team ready to serve you throughout your ERP deployment or cloud migration journey. This ensures a good foundation for long-term success with both your software and your technology.

What a Private or Hybrid SYSPRO Cloud Looks Like

Manufacturers and distributors are constantly looking for ways to increase visibility, growth, control, and long-term success. One of the most effective strategies for achieving these goals is to invest in a managed hosting solution for your ERP system. SYSPRO managed hosting provides an array of benefits that can help manufacturers and distributors reach their business objectives.

Benefits of an Estes Cloud Deployment for SYSPRO ERP

An on-premise deployment might be the right decision for your business. However, EstesGroup has seen the following outcomes for manufacturers and distributors that choose to shift to managed hosting solutions. In addition to SYSPRO, we have created success stories for many other complex enterprise resource planning systems. Talk to us to learn more about successful cloud migrations in Epicor Kinetic, Epicor Prophet 21, and Sage ERP.

  • You can stay competitive in your industry by keeping up with digital transformation trends.
  • You get instant access to valuable tools that let you control and analyze security and compliance.
  • You can now gauge success with improved KPI tracking, benchmarking, and monitoring.
  • You can easily customize your business strategy with new access to remote worker enablement tools, offering employees ultimate portability.
  • You can quickly increase or decrease your cloud complexity with consumption-based pricing with no ingress or egress costs.
  • You will instantly gain a valuable external team of SYSPRO enterprise resource planning consultants and technology experts. Your internal team gets everything you need to support both immediate and long-term business goals.

What is SYSPRO in EstesCloud?

EstesCloud hosting (ECHO), also known as a private cloud for SYSPRO or hybrid cloud solutions for any ERP system, is a cloud-based service that provides businesses with the ultimate access to enterprise resource planning software and its related services. SYSPRO is a cloud-ready ERP and is easy to deploy in an external data center. Your EstesGroup data center meets your needs for everything from cybersecurity to backup and disaster recovery. EstesCloud managed cloud services help your business by taking care of your technology while also providing ERP consultants that are always just a phone call away.

With SYSPRO managed hosting, customers can enjoy the benefits of having their own dedicated server without the need to purchase or maintain hardware. The service also includes 24/7 support, automated backups, and scalability options so businesses can easily scale up or down as needed.

1. Increased Visibility

The first benefit of managed ERP hosting for SYSPRO ERP is increased visibility. Access to real-time data on operations, customers, suppliers, and inventory levels, gives manufacturers and distributors good data. You can make informed decisions quickly and accurately. This allows you to respond quickly to changes in the market or to customer demands while also staying ahead of competitors.

Additionally, with SYSPRO’s cloud-based platform, they can access this information from anywhere at any time – giving them greater flexibility when making decisions or responding to customer inquiries.

2. Improved Growth Potential

Another advantage of a hybrid cloud deployment option is improved growth potential. With a cloud-based ERP system like SYSPRO, manufacturers and distributors have the ability to scale up or down as needed. Basically, you won’t need to purchase additional hardware or software licenses. This allows you to save money while still being able to expand your operations as needed.

3. Enhanced Control

SYSPRO managed hosting also brings enhanced control over operations. Manufacturers and distributors gain complete control over their data security measures. This includes encryption protocols that help protect sensitive information from unauthorized access or misuse.

Furthermore, with its built-in disaster recovery capabilities, you can ensure that all data is backed up regularly. If there were ever an issue, your systems could be restored quickly without any disruption in service. This keeps operations running smoothly, even during unexpected events such as power outages or natural disasters.

4. Long-Term Success

Finally, one of the biggest advantages associated with a private ERP cloud is a long-term success thanks to scalability and affordability. Many private or hybrid cloud solutions operate on a pay-per-use model, enabling you to only pay for what you need when you need it. That way, you can avoid dealing with the massive upfront costs associated with purchasing the hardware and software licenses needed to maintain your own cloud network.

5. An EstesGroup Partnership

Ready to get started with a partnership that will bring you immediate access to the best SYSPRO consultants and technology experts in the nation? If you’re ready to get started with your own private or hybrid ERP cloud deployment, EstesGroup can help. We provide fully managed IT and cloud services to all companies across all industries that are using enterprise resource planning software. Connect with us and get access to a team of ERP consultants with years of experience in cloud services and managed IT. We are dedicated to helping you succeed with your ERP project.

Going for the Gold at P21WWUG CONNECT 2023

Going for the Gold at P21WWUG CONNECT 2023

EstesGroup is proud to be a gold sponsor for the P21WWUG CONNECT 2023 conference in Dallas, Texas.

That’s metal! This year, Estes is going for the gold as Gold Sponsor of the ultimate educational and networking event for anyone in the distribution industry! Are you attending the P21WWUG CONNECT event this year? “The WWUG” is the annual event for the Prophet 21 Worldwide User Group, and offers a veritable goldmine of information and assistance for Epicor P21 users.

Gold Sponsor Dallas P21WWUG CONNECT 2023

P21WWUG CONNECT 2023 at the Sheraton Dallas

Sunday August 20th – Tuesday August 22nd

Why should you attend P21WWUG CONNECT this year?

If you’re digging for P21 information, the P21WWUG is the place to be – the Epicor Prophet 21 user group has a heart of gold, and their members are famous for sharing their treasures.

“The user group hates to be sold to, but loves to be helped.”

Are you tired of coming to a trade show booth only to have someone try to sell you something? Come check out our booth. We’re not gold diggers. We bring our most knowledgeable Epicor Prophet 21 consultants to our P21WWUG CONNECT booth each year. This allows us to help your company right from the start, as we hope to be the ERP consultancy that brings great value to your team, whether you need a little help fine-tuning your system or full implementation and deployment services, on-premise or in a cloud environment. 


EstesGroup is bringing a goldmine of assistance to P21WWUG CONNECT 2023 in Dallas.

Is reporting a concern? Whether you’re looking to know more about SSRS, Crystal Reports, business intelligence or data mining, we can help you dig out your information and find a veritable mother lode. Gain valuable insights into your ERP software and its underlying technology while networking with peers, meeting new vendors, and enjoying Dallas, TX, one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Do you need custom solutions for Prophet 21 ERP? Dynachange? Business rules? Do you need a well-wrought solution to a rare problem? We can help talk you through it – our technical knowledge is as good as gold.

Are you panning for answers to your P21 functional issues? Sales orders, inventory management, purchasing & receiving, finance? We can promise many nuggets of information. But all we ask is that you don’t kill the golden goose (visit our P21WWUG CONNECT booth to learn more!). 

Are you in need of a safe place to stash your treasure? EstesGroup is the gold standard when it comes to Epicor Prophet 21 hosting. Our customers give us a gold star. Ask us to introduce you to the distribution companies that we have helped during our 20+ years as one of the leading ERP consultancies in the nation!

So come find us at this year’s most significant event for companies in the distribution industry: P21WWUG CONNECT 2023 in Dallas, TX.

It’s a well-known fact that all that glitters isn’t gold. But we’re not peddlin’ iron pyrite – we have some genuine value to offer. We won’t give you the shaft.  And this gold ain’t no dye job – this bad boy goes all the way down to the roots!

Our expertise has been forged over many years as technicians, end users, system administrators, ERP consultants, and IT managers. Ask us about IT – we’re worth our mettle.


See you at P21WWUG CONNECT 2023! 

We highly recommend that you do. It’s worth its weight…in gold… If you’d like to see the pot o’ gold cloud hosting solution for enterprise resource planning software now, please fill out the form below, and we’ll create a custom demo for your company. EstesGroup is a leader in merging enterprise resource planning consulting with cutting-edge technology, including everything from cybersecurity and backup and disaster recovery to full-service management of private and hybrid clouds.

How to Use Technology to Manage Freight Costs

How to Use Technology to Manage Freight Costs

Freight costs are more important than ever in our turbulent times. With ongoing inflation, and the possibility of a recession looming, runaway freight costs threaten to take distributors’ profit margins for a ride.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions often lack proper tools within the base software for managing freight costs and often must rely on third-party applications and web sites to manage and execute carrier pricing. With a potential recession on the horizon, it is more important now than ever to recover costs and protect profits. Companies go to great lengths to negotiate freight rates with carriers but often fall short on execution of the rates resulting in paying higher costs. A better solution is needed, especially in light of the challenges that a recession will bring.

Freight Costs business concept: Small cardboard boxes with a plane flies above world map. Concept of transportation, international freight, global shipping, goods or services remotely. overseas trade, regional

November 30th @12PM – 1PM (EASTERN)

ShipSource: Using Technology to Manage Freight Costs During a Recession

On November 30th, at Noon (Eastern), Ron Cope of ShipSource will discuss the techniques necessary when using technology to manage freight costs during a recession. The session will focus on things you can do to improve freight execution and become more efficient to control spending.

Companies spend significant time, resources, and money to license and install shipping software. Efficient and fully-functional shipping solutions are a must in the distribution industry in general and in the Epicor Prophet 21 community, in particular. Moreover, there is a need in the P21 industry for custom platforms that meet clients’ needs, that are integrated immediately, and can go live within days.

ShipSource is an authorized distributor of the ShipVia multi-carrier transportation management system, and has been providing Prophet 21 shipping solutions since 2005. ShipVia was created to meet the Prophet 21 shipping needs of the P21 distribution community, by providing a robust rating engine that can be deployed quickly at affordable pricing.

Tailored to fit the corporate growth initiatives and financial strategies, the solution supports a robust solution and a rapid implementation. If you are looking for a solution that supports rating for all your carriers and can be fully implemented within days, then ShipSource has the system for you.

Meet Ron Cope of ShipSource at ESTES INTEGRATE 2022

Ron Cope has more than 35 years of experience with transportation management. Currently, Ron is the President of ShipVia, the manufacturer of the ShipVia transportation management software program and ViaDUCT integration software. Ron is also the Managing Partner of ShipSource that is licensed to distribute the ShipVia software products.

Ron Cope

Ron Cope, ShipSource

Ready to keep your freight costs in your control?

ERP Integration Software Event
How to Prepare Your Supply Chain for 2023

How to Prepare Your Supply Chain for 2023

Over the last few years, I’ve seen companies perform every possible inventory management tactic to mitigate the supply chain challenges that afflicted the nation as a function of the pandemic. Some strategies proved to be detrimental, with manufacturing and distribution companies burdened at times with massive quantities of low-turn product. 

That is to say, if you are a distributor recovering from stressors due to the pandemic, optimally managing your Prophet 21 inventory levels is of utmost importance as you head into the new challenges of 2023. COVID-19 and other recent global events are testing the resilience and flexibility of supply chains. 

Supply Chain Challenges International freight or shipping service for online shopping or ecommerce concept : Paper boxes or carton put in circle around a clear crystal globe with world map on a computer notebook keyboard.
slimstock logo

How Can You Prepare Your Supply Chain for 2023?

Slimstock is one company that can show you how to be ready for the possible supply chain rollercoasters of the new year. Slimstock’s forecasting, planning, and purchasing solution integrates with the P21 application to bring you to the next level of P21 efficiency and P21 optimization.

Slimstock is the market leading AI-powered inventory optimization software. Slimstock helps companies using Epicor Prophet 21 by enabling the delivery of the right stock to the right place at the right time.

Slimstock does this by all-in-one P21 integration of Inventory Forecasting, Demand Planning and Purchase Optimization, with machine learning capabilities.

Over the last 25 years, Slimstock has helped thousands of companies to boost profitability and unlock working capital by improving availability, increasing efficiency, and eliminating waste with guarantee on ROI within a year. 

Since their inception in 1993, they have worked in collaboration with business leaders, domain experts and academics and the P21 user community to develop their award-winning inventory optimization platform, Slim4.

Join Jeff Steinecker, Dennis Weir, and Ryan Shanks, on November 30th at 4:00 (Eastern), as they work to help Prophet 21 companies in supercharging their P21 supply chain strategies and practices.

Slimstock Supply Chain Prophet 21

Meet Slimstock at ESTES INTEGRATE 2022

Jeff Steinecker  (Strategic Accounts Executive at Slimstock): Jeff has an extensive experience in helping customers realize gains in productivity, efficiency, and fun. He is a knowledge expert in supply chain and can align, lead, and grow supply chains with assured returns.

Dennis Weir (Business Development Executive at Slimstock): With a strong background in supply chain, Dennis is your Knowledge Partner for Demand Planning and Inventory Optimization. He is excited to represent Slimstock and answer any questions you may have.

Ryan Shanks (Pre-Sales Demonstrations & Solution Architect at Slimstock): Ryan has a background in Supply Chain, primarily focusing on Logistics, Distribution, and Sourcing.  He enjoys sharing knowledge with others and thus is delighted to be a part of the webinar.

ERP Integration Software Event