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IQMS for the CFO: Your Actionable Financial Data Available Anywhere

IQMS Brochure Cover Estes Group ERP Consultants SMIQMS and EstesGroup will maximize your growth and profit

It is difficult to do your job as a CFO when your financial data has to be gathered from multiple platforms and data silos. With the flexibility of IQMS Manufacturing Finance ERP software, all of your financial data is available on the go, whether you’re on premise, or on the go. Now, you can maximize revenue while keeping costs under control even when there is unpredictable demand because you have access.



Imagine having the technology to SEE the right financial information across all departments and to be able to take the right action to keep everyone in sync with the company financial goals. Combining business and financial process expertise of EstesGroup along with the power of IQMS Manufacturing Finance ERP software, and together we will make sure your middle line is stable while your bottom line keeps growing.

In every role you face, EstesGroup and IQMS will make the finances of your business run better.

  • CFO Leadership: Let’s work to reduce your costs so you can enable and fund both your global and domestic expansion strategy. Your financial model with IQMS and EstesGroup will succeed across the world.
  • CFO Strategist: We will improve your product quality and financial outlook, making your brand reputation rise as your business model stays solid.
  • CFO Steward: Keep pace with fast growing revenue with a real-time view of regulations and risks. Maintain a more cost-effective organization.
  • CFO Catalyst: Enable your managers to the right financial information. More effective business decisions will begin what you can provide financial perspective and track profitable growth.

Our core principle is that ERP provides you and your organization with a single version of the truth, where data has purpose and results such as lowering overall costs and increasing productivity.

Epicor Articles, Resources, and Success Stories

Becoming A Better Salesperson that Sells for a Manufacturing Company

Becoming A Better Salesperson that Sells for a Manufacturing Company

Prospect objections arise for different reasons and have different implications on whether you selling anything or not. Some objections will be legitimate, but many times prospects will just make the statement when they’re just trying to brush you off. Below are four common prospects “delay or blow-off” statements and a few suggestions on how to handle them.

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