Remote Workforce Security & Essential Cybersecurity Tools
Remote Worker Security and the Virtual Office
Cloud-enabled security services manage your data protection. If you use an IT managed service provider for your cybersecurity needs, then you know you will always be industry-compliant and therefore safe from common cyberthreats. Personal cloud services allow you to share data almost anywhere. Likewise, private and hybrid cloud services allow businesses to exchange data across networks without worrying about a data breach. When you conduct business in a virtual office (whether that means a shared office space or an entirely virtualized work environment, you raise your risks. The EstesCloud Managed Services team carries the weight of the extensive responsibilities of information security for you, so you can safely do the work you love.
Watch this National Cybersecurity Awareness Month webinar to learn more about virtual office security.

Learn what tools you can use to secure remote workers.
EstesGroup has all hands on deck.
If you feel like you’re simply staying afloat on these new cyber seas created by the shifting tides of remote and distributed offices, please contact us. First, we can perform security audits and assessments of your current IT infrastructure. Then, we can create everything you need to manage your data. We can help with everything from cloud migration to cloud-based disaster recovery. We can help you sail past virtual office cyberthreats and secure your corporate fleet, ensuring safe online journeys. Ask us about virtual office solutions that can provide remote workforce security, even across oceans.
On a cybersecurity raft when you need a cyberthreat warship?
The right vessel can warn a malicious hacker to sail on.
Your remote workforce security deployments can range from basic antivirus to advanced endpoint security. A ransomware attack can quickly capsize your IT department’s dinghy, leaving your entire pool of data free-floating in dark web waters. To avoid the troubled shoals of cybercrime, you need to be on continuous watch. EstesGroup’s Managed IT crew stays on the lookout, so you stay at the helm. Ahoy, remote worker security!
Essential Remote Workforce Cybersecurity Tools for Your Business
Business Continuity All Astir
If you wish to christen your tub before leaving port, you need more than a bottle of red and a cyber prayer. You’ll need to make sure your ship is ready for the high seas. In our modern business climate, you need more than spare rigging and a mended sail. You’ll need the kind of end-to-end protection to make yours the most seaworthy of digital ships. At EstesGroup, we can provide full enterprise resource planning services that integrate with the IT help you need. This means you can get everything from Epicor consulting help to Epicor ERP hosting all from the same trusted consultancy.
But like any good clipper, a company spends more time in the menacing seas than it does in safe harbors. While nobody wishes to work on an engine while the motor is running, businesses more closely resemble the warships of days past, forced to swap sails while the prevailing winds shift all around. EstesGroup can help you bolster your bulwarks while chasing the horizon. Our cybersecurity solutions support other MSP services like virtual disaster recovery and ERP cloud security. With our advanced threat protection and business continuity strategies, you can work safely anywhere. Need remote worker security on a deserted island? Relax, we’ve got IT covered.