Much Needed Functionality: Prophet 21’s Rental Management Application
To Rent or To Buy - More and More Often, It's To Rent. In some ways distribution has not changed over the past 50 years; but in other ways it really has morphed – I know, that statement was non-committal. But take for example product Rental Management. Your customers...

Why Implement an ERP System?
If you asked your IT personnel what the advantages of implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, in all likelihood, they'd tell you that it could be revolutionary or absolutely destructive depending on their past experiences. The key to making it...

The Top 5 Benefits of an ERP System
As any business knows, the right technology is crucial to success. However, the process of vetting and selecting an ERP software is often a challenging one. Many Small and Medium Business Solutions (SMBs) for instance have yet to adopt a platform as many fear the...

What’s It Good For Anyway? Why You Need to Include Epicor ERP in Your Manufacturing ERP Software Selection
The Epicor ERP consulting life is a tale of many worlds. There is the world of travel, with its flights and sights, with its energy pulsing through everything, making me feel at times like I’m still the college student backpacking across Canada with a copy of Jack...

Is Your Epicor ERP ID Code Schema Costing You Money?
Learn about Intelligent vs Non-Intelligent ID Code schema – which is the best for your company?

Can Your Business Survive a Recall? Serial Number & Lot Tracking for Wholesale Distributors & Retailers
Prophet 21 ERP is built for wholesale distributors and retailers with powerful serial numbers and lot numbers tracking features throughout the application. Find out how it helps protect your business in the case of a product recall.

Maximizing Your Sales Team with Epicor ERP Sales Order Automation
What if your customer could send you a purchase order and it just magically appears in Epicor? Let’s look at Epicor ERP 10.2.400 new features: Automated Sales Order Entry.

The Good, The New, No Ugly: Epicor ERP 10.2.400
Epicor ERP 10.2.400 is on the horizon. And it promises a Kinetic jump in capability. Here’s a quick overview of new features coming in the next release.

Why on Earth Do I Need an ERP System?
Pundits have long noted that the “E” in “ERP” is the most important of the three letters. The value in an ERP system comes in its applicability to the entire enterprise and not just to a few selective functions within the organization. And while ERP has been around now for many decades, there continues to be ample opportunity for better enterprise-level integration among companies.