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Epicor for the CIO: True Business Intelligence WIth A Single Version Of The Truth


epicormanufactuerersBy properly implementing Epicor Business Intelligence ERP with our 100% certified consultants, we will simplify the technology footprint while advancing your business intelligence.

As a CIO, you must be able to provide true business intelligence data to all of the other C-Suite members of your organization.

One of the main issues you face everyday is keeping track of separate data silos and systems that make it difficult to maintain and deliver the data you need to make those important decisions.

With Epicor Business Intelligence ERP you will have a single version of the truth and one common data extraction tool. You will be able to provide TRUE business intelligence.

Imagine having only one system to keep running, performance tune, and troubleshoot.

One source of information and data to keep up to date.

We will implement your Epicor ERP as an on premise, hosted or SaaS solution for your enterprise, and you will be able to move in between them seamlessly.

Let’s engage in an Epicor Business Intelligence ERP implementation and ensure that your responsibilities as a CIO and those around you become simpler. With EstesGroup, your business runs better.

Our core principle is that ERP provides you and your organization with a single version of the truth, where data has purpose and results such as lowering overall costs and increasing productivity.

Download Your Epicor CIO Brief and let’s optimize your business processes.


Download Your Epicor CIO Brief and let’s optimize your business processes.

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Epicor Articles, Resources, and Success Stories

Fonzie Schemes: Has Your ERP System Jumped the Shark?

Fonzie Schemes: Has Your ERP System Jumped the Shark?

I once worked for a company who implemented a hip and snazzy Tier 1 ERP system in 1999.  Over the next ten years, the package implemented was resold, rebranded, and reworked multiple times, to such an extent that it no longer resembled its antecedent.  To customers of Epicor’s legacy 803 and 905 platforms, the answer is clear: the shark has been jumped—it’s time to change the channel and upgrade.

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