Epicor ERP for Professional Services
More control over your business operationsEpicor for professional services provides you and your clients with the visibility and control needed for successful projects
Delivering value to your customers is the lifeblood of your organization. With Epicor’s ERP for professional services and our team of senior-level Epicor consultants, we will revolutionize your business management processes and overall efficiency to complete projects successfully and on time.
Seamlessly Manage and Organize Your:
- Accounting and Financial reporting
- Budget and Costs
- Project Deliverables
- Resource Management
- Project Management and Signoffs
We will streamline your organization by coaching your end users on how to utilize the Epicor ERP for professional services solution software, adding and removing modules/integrations to provide you with a relevant interface, as well as provide customizations for reporting purposes.
From assigning tasks, tracking costs and monitoring deliverables, to achieving goals and completing the project on-time, that is the true value of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software to your business, no matter the industry. The key benefit you receive from any great ERP is the flexibility to automate systems and prevent informational siloes in various departments. This provides your company with a wholistic platform to get the job done.
Benefits of an ERP for Professional Services
Adapt to Changing Environments:
Drive A More Effective Operation
With ERP for professional services, we can work together to eliminate fragmented data, automate repetitive processes and control costs. Maximize the full potential of your organization with an integrated ERP platform that provides your employees with the information and tools to do their job efficiently. All of this is inclusive under the ERP software and resources provided by Epicor.
Make More Clear and Visible Decisions
Increase Your Project Profitability
Industries and Professionals We Have Helped
Our implementation team partners with dozens of organizations in the ERP professional services industry. Our consulting team has the experience and knowledge your company needs to succeed. We help clients by offering complete solutions across many functional areas.
- Accounting
- Architecture
- Engineering
- Lawyer and Law Practices
- Manufacturing
- Doctors and Medical Practices
Our primary goal is to ensure that your ERP solution provides you and your organization with a single version of the truth, where data has purpose and results such as lowering overall costs and increasing productivity.