An Independent Look at the Epicor 10.2 User Experience
An independent demo of Epicor ERP 10.2 main new features; Epicor Data Discovery (EDD), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Mobile Application, and Active Homepage enhancements.
All Licensed Up with No Place to Code – Making the Most of your Service Connect Investment
During the rush to select, acquire, and implement an ERP application, companies often license modules that they do not end up utilizing by the time cutover rolls around. Once the booming, buzzing confusion of going live has diminished, companies frequently review...
Fonzie Schemes: Has Your ERP System Jumped the Shark?
I once worked for a company who implemented a hip and snazzy Tier 1 ERP system in 1999. Over the next ten years, the package implemented was resold, rebranded, and reworked multiple times, to such an extent that it no longer resembled its antecedent. To customers of Epicor’s legacy 803 and 905 platforms, the answer is clear: the shark has been jumped—it’s time to change the channel and upgrade.
Epicor Configurator Upgrade: Some Reassembly Required
All About Epicor 10.2 Product Configurator With the festive season charging forward like a white-tailed deer dodging a hunter’s shot, I began to reflect on some of the holiday gifts I had received as a child. I remember finding my brightly colored box named for me,...
Running on Old Drumsticks – Moving Beyond Epicor’s Legacy Versions
Many Epicor customers are hesitant to make the jump from their legacy 803 or 905 version of the software to its new version 10 manifestation. In working with customers, I’ve found that companies often have a few distinct challenges preventing them from making the jump:
Epicor ERP Data Management Tool, The Tool That Keeps On Giving
I like to peruse the Epicor-related message boards on a semi-regular basis. Usually, I’ll find something nice, and occasionally I can help someone with a problem they’re having. Sometimes, a poster will suggest using DMT to solve a problem and the person says, “We...
Digital Transformation Warming up to Change and Change Management
Digital transformation is a term that has received a lot of air time lately, and not surprisingly, it has also received a fair amount of suspicion. This should not be surprising, from the dawn of the written word, people have been suspicious of change.
Press Release: EstesGroup Appoints Mark Herman VP, Professional Services
EstesGroup, a leading Epicor ERP partner and NetSuite Solution Provider, today announced the appointment of Mark Herman to the post of Vice President of Professional Services.
Epicor Configurator Introduction: Configurator Offerings
Epicor ERP Configurator Questions…We Have Answers Epicor’s Product Configurator is among its most enigmatic and elusive modules. Configurator has been diversely characterized and mischaracterized, as everything from the cure to all that ails you to the straw...
Our Virtual CIO Services Will Help Your Business Run Better
Here is what you need to know before you upgrade your Epicor ERP database.