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Hey, gang. Welcome to Project Roles and Responsibilities, the Cliff Notes Version. We’re going to get started here and just kind of run you guys through hopefully in three minutes or less some of the key roles and responsibilities you need on your ERP successful project.

Number one, you need an executive from the client side to be able to understand your business goals and be able to support and establish whatever that project, plan, scope and any resources that need to happen on that side to ensure that you have that good success.

Your client side project manager as well needs to be able to understand the methodology, your goals and objectives that you need, who are the key people on your project team and being able to help motivate and help move things along so that that project thing gets executed and you stay on time, on task and on budget.

Your Estes Group consulting team, they need to be able to follow what that scope is that you have, be able to execute to those assigned tasks, but most of all, they’re there to teach you the software. They’re there to be able to figure out your business problems and be able to solve those problems with ERP solutions in the form of end user procedures at the end of the day.

That way you can map over all of those new processes into your new software package as cleanly and successfully as possible with the understanding that your team of consultants is going to provide you with the best possible solution with the least amount of inefficiencies as possible at this point in time.

So your customer side, what is all about you guys here and what should be expected of you, right? So customer executive sponsor, person needs to be well informed. They need to be the one that’s setting the ultimate goals and objectives. Odds are they’re the ones that are pulling the trigger at the end of the day saying here’s the reasons why we’re going to a new ERP software or we’re upgrading our ERP software.

Yes, it’s going to be painful. We understand that, but here are the reasons why. Here’s the scope in which we need to do that. Okay, team, you’ve got the ball. Go and run with it. Let me know what you need. I’m here to make it happen, and they’re there to celebrate when you do make it happen.

Your steering committee, made up of all the business leaders that are most likely responsible fiscally for each of the different functional areas of your business. That may be by product line. That may be by functional area. There’s several different dividing lines that we’ve seen businesses divide those up by, but the key there is, is your steering committee is going to make sure that any conflict or any different decisions that need to happen come up to them, they’re able to help resolve those issues, whether it be resources, whether it be scope, whether it be just process decision, and be able to help things move along their way.

Your customer project manager, this person is there to basically be a task master. They’re going to be tied to the estes group PM. They’re going to be following that methodology and they’re making sure that everybody does their homework, it’s on task and it’s with the right amount of time that needs to be dedicated to it to ensure that we’ve got quality and success that’s going to come out of that. They’re also there to be able to report up to the steering committee anything that needs to happen and go from there.

Now the majority of the folks are right here in the customer core team. So that core team is made up of your unit managers that have to build and decide on all those processes that need to be mapped in. They’re working directly with the consultants, with the problems, with the puzzles, helping resolve those, document it, and ultimately train the end users at the end of the day.

So, folks, I know that was the Cliff Notes version, very quick. There’s a longer video out there that goes into a lot more explanation. Feel free to take a look at it. This one was just designed to be a real quick teaser to give you a guys an understanding of what kind of roles and responsibilities we see and how we see that they’re important.

So feel free. Start a conversation with us,, [email protected] via email, Facebook and Twitter, Linked In, all the social media, make sure you get in touch with us out there. You’ll see any of the new stuff that’s coming up. is where our page is at. Hit us up at estesgroup on Twitter, amd and you’ll find our business page out there on LinkedIn.

Thanks, guys, very much for your time. Looking forward to hearing from you in that conversation.

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