Microsoft IIS Log Sprawl: Getting Away from the Sprawl
On the Sixth Day of ECHO, my admin gave to me, some tips about Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and log files!
Every Epicor E10 and Prophet 21 Middleware server uses Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) to get the job done. And by default, IIS creates a log file on the C: drive for every day it’s running. Often we can see how long a server has been running by counting IIS log files. However, chances are great you don’t ever look at those log files! Therefore, we recommend disabling the IIS logs in IIS Manager to save the I/O and disk space. If you need the logs for auditing, we suggest putting them on another volume and marking them with NTFS compression for best performance. After that, a weekly script to delete the oldest files will keep things neat and trim. FORFILES /P C:\inetpub\logs /s /*.LOG /D – 30 “cmd /c del @FILE” is my go-to command.
If you liked reading the “Sixth Day of ECHO,” return to our main list to read all of the other “12 Days of ECHO” posts.
ECHO is EstesCloud Managed Hosting. What does that mean and what does it have to do with Microsoft IIS Log Sprawl? What doesn’t have to do with cloud-based data strategy these days? EstesCloud brings you all the security and reliability of cutting edge technology, and you don’t have to maintain it or worry if it’s compliant or it’s going to crash. We take on the worries, so you can focus on your business. (This might even allow you a little free time to look at your Microsoft IIS Log Sprawl if you like.)
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